UX/UI Design

What is UX Design?

UX is the acronym for User Experience and refers to all those aspects related to interaction with the user , regardless of the device and includes not only the design but also the visual aspect, the quality of the content, factors related to emotions, feelings that build a brand, as well as its reliability. Thus, in a few words, it is the way in which users interact with an object, a website or an app and what their degree of usefulness and satisfaction is when doing so.

User Experience Design UI UX Design services ensures that the perception and sensations that the use of a product or service leaves in people's minds are optimal from any point of view: ease of use, efficiency...

If UX Design defines what, when, how, where, why and why a person uses an object, product or accesses a service, the UX designer is responsible for ensuring that everything that affects the interaction or dialogue of a person with a system.

What is UI Design?

On the other hand, UI or User Interface Design focuses on the visual part. While UX ensures that the interaction is useful and comfortable for the user, UI makes it attractive and visual. In short, UI design is responsible for guaranteeing an effective and clear visual language that communicates the customer with the service or product.

UX and UI must go hand in hand to achieve a product 100% designed for customers, a beautiful product is of no use if it does not satisfy the needs of users. The analogy would be wearing a very nice but uncomfortable shoe, that shoe that dazzles but does not allow natural movement and therefore, you cannot do what you had set out to do, leaving you sore and certainly frustrated.

Both UX and UI are fundamental components, not only for the user to enjoy the product , but also for the mental and emotional image that the user will develop of the company.

Improving UX is really important

Today, user experience (UX) is key to attracting and maintaining quality traffic to a website .

An optimal user experience can improve the generation of links, reader opinions, shares on social networks and other user interactions with the content, which in the long run will have a positive impact on acquisition . This is due to the user orientation, which generally always appreciates content with a high UX.

If the UX on a website is ineffective, it will be abandoned, on average, in less than 15 seconds and furthermore, if it has a bad perception they will not return.

What can we improve about our UX to avoid this rejection by users? Below we will show you some points to take into account when improving UX/UI design.

5 Tips to improve the UX/UI of your website

At this point we will see what aspects we must take care of and improve to obtain a better user experience and at the same time, improve basic aspects for SEO, which will result in an increase in visits, an increase in sales and a higher conversion rate.

One aspect to take into account is: How do our eyes process digital content? Users do not read, but scan our web pages, do a quick scan and only stop at those points that catch their attention. Therefore, to ensure that the user stays on your website, it is key to offer quality content with a feeling of order and harmony.

1 - Find out who visits you

Knowing who sees our content is essential, because whose experience are you going to improve? What is their average age? What topics on your website do they spend the most time on?

It is essential to do research and segmentation of your target audience. With this information you can adapt the design of your website (colors, typography, images, buttons), the hierarchy of information (which is what your audience is really interested in) and content (language and expressiveness) so that your audience falls in love with it. everything you offer.

If you've already done the research, congratulations! You have already taken one more step to improve your UX/UI. If, on the other hand, you have not defined the user profile , there are programs that will be of great help such as Google Analytics and that will provide you with all the information you need.

2 - Create a simple, precise and accessible navigation menu

Let's put ourselves in the shoes of our user. We all like to be able to solve our problems or search for information as quickly and easily as possible. So the first thing we should analyze is the effectiveness of our menu. Are all the relevant sections in the menu? Are they well organized? Do I really need a submenu?

Taking care of all these aspects of the Navigation Menu is essential, it is really the starting point with which the user moves through our website. So it is essential to have a website with linear, simple and easy to understand navigation. There is no point in having an extensive and complicated menu if the user cannot access the content they want or finds it frustrating to do so. A fixed menu ends up pleasing the user more, because it makes them waste less time and effort, leading them to exactly what they are looking for.

If you need it, you can use submenus, but without cluttering or confusing. A simple structure in itself is agile and elegant.

Links to your Menu should be as general and direct as possible. Find the words that your target audience expects to see, define those that will be key and apply them. If you have doubts, you can analyze a competitor's website.

Behind the simplicity of a menu there is a lot of work to organize and catalog the content.

3 - Take care of the details in the design of your website

Design a website that transmits a clear and concrete image of who you are. Take care of the audiovisual content; Good quality images , videos, infographics, animations ... use all these elements in harmony and with a specific purpose and the improvement in the user experience will be more than evident.

The use of moving content within simple pages really manages to capture the user's attention. So if you have very important content, put it in an animation!

The use of space must be taken into account based on the user's interest, that is, not saturating the same page with information and using hidden elements. Thus, the information is always available to users in case they want to access it.

Lastly, create a strategy for displaying related content. The user is willing to consume similar content if the current one is not exactly what he is looking for or if he simply wants to know more. So Relate and Show have efficient, practical and profitable UI UX design services.

4 - Improve the loading speed of your website

What makes users most impatient is when a site takes a long time to load, and by "a long time" I mean an average of 5 seconds. That is, if our website takes more than 5 seconds to load, the user will continue their search on other more immediate sites . We must ensure that the speed of our site is as fast as possible.

A good solution is to adapt the loading of the page to the scroll , in this way, our site loads depending on the user, which improves loading times and the visitor hardly notices it.

5 - Improve the Contact of your website

It's typical to put our contact page at the bottom of the menu, but there's not much strategy to this. In fact, putting contact information on the cover and in other relevant points on your website is a considerable improvement on the "call to action" . Using buttons we can take the user to contact forms or a chat in real time. Humanizing the user's interaction with our site must be a priority.


User experience is essential for any web project we are developing. It can be simplified into several objectives; know what needs and problems our users have to cover, develop content that is more useful to users and increase the positive impact and the number of audiences.

User satisfaction will be necessary to build the value and reputation of the company. They will be the ones to tell us if we are on the right path.