UX UI web design and its impact on marketing
Currently, thanks to advances in neuromarketing and consumer psychology, the issue of persuasion and invasive advertising have been displaced by techniques and resources that are more oriented to the user experience. This theory is based on the premise that a customer should feel as comfortable as possible within your web portal thanks to a captivating UI UX design services .
On the web there are a large number of pages and virtual stores that perhaps offer the same services as your company. For this reason, the impression you leave on users can set you apart from the rest and make you their first choice. To achieve this goal, it is necessary that your web design and programming generate an impression of simplicity and professionalism in the recipient. This is exactly what the modern user is looking for, the benefit of simplicity.
By intelligently integrating the best elements of UX/UI web design, you will be able to establish a better relationship with your customers and influence their purchasing decisions about your products and services. To do this, you will need to identify the most notable characteristics of UX/UI web design and the differences between both disciplines:
UX/UI Design: What is UX web design?
UX (User Experience) design is responsible for making the user experience pleasant, through options that enhance the usability of your site or application. UX design seeks to make the interaction between your visitors and your page as fluid as possible, so that it leads to the sale of your services or products. The more satisfactory the customer experience , the lower the bounce rate of your web portal, and the greater the chances that your users will return again and again.
A clear idea is needed about the actions to take into account so that the development of the page is completely simple:
no complex menus
excessive buttons
without many irrelevant sections
nor effects that produce an overwhelming or confusing feeling.
The way in which the contents or calls to action are presented in order also have a notable influence, so much so that if the texts are not organized correctly, they could cause the user to close the window out of laziness. We cannot create an incisive design in front of our visitors, because as soon as they enter the site they will feel overwhelmed and want to immediately leave our “virtual headquarters”.
So, now that you know the essence of UX design, let's analyze UI design, since they are complementary, therefore, they have similar characteristics.
UX/UI Design: What is UI web design?
This design (UI, User Interface) is in charge of the interface, of the interior of the web portal, seeks to manage the branding or personal style of the page, its professionalism, its visual presentation according to the industry and type of users, the distribution of data or multimedia content, for example. The interface is the main phase facing the customer, the appearance and emotions transmitted through the selection of key elements that define the identity of your brand.
What is the difference between UX/UI web design?
The most notable difference that we can find between these two types of design is that one is based on creating the interface – we are talking about UI design –, that is, it focuses on the artifact itself, without any other agent that should influence, while the UX design requires contact with the user from development to be able to exist, function and satisfy their needs. In other words, UI design is in charge of styles and identity, and UX is in charge of the process related to interactions.
UX UI Web Design: Key Features
UX – User experience
This design phase is based on analytical and logical thinking with the purpose of generating an information structure according to:
Product characteristics
User needs
Accessibility from devices
Interaction in context
UI – User Interface
This phase aims to convey a visually attractive environment supported by elements such as:
Brand message
Color palette
Multimedia content
Both designs work for the portal, with the purpose of attracting visitors, arousing curiosity, and achieving greater sales, since by having a good UI UX design services you will be able to stand out more easily in search engines and succeed in digital channels with SEO and SEM. However, if you do not have a quality design that is professional enough or consistent with the theme, you will receive fleeting visits. And this will be negative for your analytics and positioning. The idea is not to turn the website into a magnet that attracts but does not retain. The goal is to prepare a charming website that will keep your users and clients satisfied until the last moment.
3 UX UI web design tricks to make your page more attractive
UX/UI design together is key to achieving a functional, attractive and successful website. If you want to know how to improve these aspects to increase the chances of retaining and delighting users, these tricks will help you.
Don't overload the visual design
You must take great care of that first impact that is generated on the user. Therefore, the visual design must be as clean as possible, without overloads. Don't add too many elements, especially if they don't add much or many banners. It is important that you look for visual harmony so that users feel comfortable navigating the page.
Includes an optimized search engine
If your website does not already have one, it is recommended that you include it. Thanks to Google, users have become accustomed to browsing based on searches and this is what they will search for on your website. The search engine will allow users to access content more quickly and comfortably. Therefore, having this element will greatly improve the UX/UI design of your page.
Avoid ambiguous forms
3 UX UI web design tricksSometimes we find pages with elements that seem clickable and in reality they are not. While others that are are not so clear. For the UX UI web design to be optimized, you must put this in order. Everything that is clickable must appear to be so so that users do not get confused and know exactly which elements of the website they can interact with and which they cannot.
Usability and User Experience
For a website to attract traffic and motivate people to browse, it must be 'user friendly' or easy to use. This is why UX web design was born, oriented towards the user experience. This approach seeks to improve usability, accessibility and visitor satisfaction when interacting with a page or online store.
Design usability has to do with the ease of use of a website. This is important because it is what motivates the user to stay and perform the expected actions (registration, download, purchase, among others). To achieve this positive experience, Jakob Nielsen, an expert in web usability, proposes 10 rules or principles that will help you create ux websites to achieve greater user acceptance.
UX web design
UX web design
A wonderful interface built with the wrong features will fail. And how can designers discover what customers need to solve their problems? Only through user research. – Jakob Nielsen
10 Key Elements to Enhance User Experience Through UX UI Web Design
This principle indicates that the platform must inform users about what is happening on the page, as it progresses, either through statements, comments or actions that allow them to know the status of the action carried out and everything within a reasonable time.
To stand out you have to connect with the user and to do so it is key to speak in the language they use. That is, use words or phrases that you can easily recognize and not programming terms related to the system. It is important to follow real-world conventions so that information is displayed in a natural and logical order for your visit.
Users may choose some features or paths by mistake, so they need to have a well-marked “emergency exit” to get back to the desired page or action, but without having to go through too many steps. The best recommendation is to rely on simple functions such as undo and redo or place a menu bar visible at all times.
Nielsen's fourth principle has to do with standards. Users shouldn't have to wonder if different words, actions, or situations mean the same thing. Therefore, it is best to follow the conventions of the platforms. It is better to go for the standard than to innovate too much and risk the design not working due to confusing users with too many elements or terms.
Prevention is the best solution. This is why a UX web design must be developed to prevent the occurrence of errors. It is then recommended to eliminate conditions that are very heavy and prone to errors or verify them and introduce options that prevent their occurrence.
Minimizes the amount of memory the user has to use by making objects, actions and options visible. People using the web would not have to remember information that has been given to them in one part of the process. Therefore, the instructions for use of the system must be visible or easily retrievable when necessary.
Another element that enhances the user experience on the web are accelerators. They are not usually used by novice users, but by experienced users, as it makes using the system easier and faster. This factor is important especially considering the multiple access channels to the web.
The dialogues on your website must take care of what they show. These should not contain irrelevant or little use information. Each unit of information competes with other units, which means that if you add many pieces with little relevance you could decrease the visibility of information that is important to the user.
Error messages should be displayed in simple language, that is, without codes. These should always guide the user without causing a negative impact. The key is to precisely indicate the problem, but take the opportunity to suggest a constructive solution.
Most systems are easy to use, especially if the above principles are applied. But even if a system can be used without documentation, in some cases help may be necessary. Therefore, when designing a UI UX design agency, precise documentation must be offered to help users understand how it works.
UX web designThe application of these UX web design elements will help enhance the experience of your visitors on your website. The result of this will be increased traffic and a decreased bounce rate. All this will influence obtaining potential clients and increasing sales.